The Parable of the Lady and the Thugs

22 Sep

There once was a woman whose lover took to yelling at her.

After being yelled at enough, the woman got fed up and decided to teach her lover a lesson.

But she decided that doing it herself would make her look bad to others, and besides, it wasn’t the proper thing for a lady to do.

So instead, she hired a group of thugs to beat and rob her lover.

After this had happened, the woman felt great regret, as she still had compassion for other people, and especially the person she loved.

She also realized too late that this didn’t teach her partner anything, as her feelings were still unheard. All that her partner knew is that thugs had beaten and robbed him.

The moral of the story is that we don’t serve ourselves when we fail to express ourselves openly, and hope that “the divine” (or any external source!) will punish those that have offended us.

So, whether it’s God’s justice, or karma, or whatever universal force we hope to judge people, in the end hoping for divine retribution only hurts ourselves.

Plus, those that are punished don’t ever make the connection. They just know that they’ve come into misfortune.

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